Lana Skye / Tomoe
Houdzuki / Lana Skye
Age: 29 |
Head of the prosecutor's office and defendant of PW case 5. Personality: Lana is strong, mature, and sure of herself - she takes her
work very seriously and is very concerned about the well being of those
close to her. Spoiler: 1-5 |
Skye / Akane Houdzuki / Ema Skye
Age: 16 |
Maya 2.0 - Phoenix's perky sidekick for PW case 5. Ema also appears in
GS4, and you can see her new profile here. Personality: Ema is cheerful, optimistic, and friendly. She has a great
interest in the sciences and hopes to become a forensic investigator
someday. She greatly admires her older sister, though they don't get along
as much lately. Spoiler: 1-5 |
Damon Gant / Kaiji Ganto / Damien Gant
Age: 65 |
The eccentric chief of police in Rise from the Ashes. Personality: Externally, Gant is usually cheerful and a strong leader of
the police force, if not a bit eccentric. He calls most people by pet
names, plays with his hair, and is prone to long, eerie pauses. Despite
his oddities, however, he is a clever and calculating man who knows just
how to get what he wants. Spoiler: 1-5