But before that, Simon was a
prosecutor and a student of psychology. He often visited
the GYAXA space center, not only for his sister, Aura, but
Metis, who he respected as a mentor. He was also fond of
Athena, who confessed to him that she felt neglected by
her mother.
The morning of the launch, Simon came to the center
intending to speak to Metis regarding Athena. When he
entered the robotics lab, he found Metis dead at the
repair chair, and Athena covered in blood and holding a
knife. Afraid that the unthinkable had happened, Simon
dismantled witness Ponco and snuck her and Athena out of
the lab. He bloodied his sword and confessed to the murder
to prevent Athena from being suspected. It wasn't until
afterward, when the center was bombed and its launch
nearly thwarted, that Simon realized the Phantom was
behind it all.
For the next seven years, Simon did what he could (behind
bars) to discover the Phantom's identity. With the return
of Phoenix Wright to law, Edgeworth gained confidence that
the case could finally be solved, and thus grant Simon
permission to take up the mantle of prosecutor in the
hopes of clearing his name.