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成歩堂 龍ノ介 Age: 23 |
Ancestor of the Ace Attorney himself, and the protagonist of DGS. Personality: Ryuunosuke starts the game as a college student, not a lawyer, and as such he's significantly less self-assured than any other protagonist in the series. Though he still plays the straight man to most of the other characters, he's not particularly sarcastic; instead he just sort of runs with whatever's going on. All this combined means that he has trouble asserting himself, particularly in the early stages of a case, but like any Wright he shows true strength and cunning when his back is up against the wall. Ryuunosuke offhandedly mentions in episode 3 that he's not particularly good with dark places. |
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御琴羽 寿沙都 Age: 16 |
A young woman working as a legal assistant, and Ryuunosuke's partner throughout DGS. Personality: Susato is for the most part a perfect "Yamato Nadeshiko" - that is, she is graceful, polite, loyal, and dedicated to her work. But she also has both a more serious and a more playful side; the former tends to come out when she isn't satisfied a case has been correctly resolved, while the latter shows up when the topic turns to things like detective novels, of which she's a huge fan. That said, she takes her job perhaps a little too seriously, and seems to struggle with meeting her own expectations for what a "legal assistant" should be. Susato's name became a bit infamous amongst the staff due to its tendency to trip people up when said aloud (eg. "Susato-san".) This was eventually worked into one of the promo skits for DGS, in which Ryuunosuke is on trial for mispronouncing his assistant's name. |
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亜双義 一真 Age: 23 |
Ryuunosuke's closest friend, a prodigious student who recently became a defense attorney and who plans to travel the world. Personality: Asougi is loyal and intelligent, with a keen sense of justice and progressivism. As an attorney, he aims to both protect the innocent and reform Japan's legal system, believing that modernization, transparency, and fairness are necessary to ensure just trials throughout the country. His confidence in his skills occasionally flirts with arrogance, but he's almost always able to back up his talk, even if he isn't always quite as quick to 'think outside the box' as some attorneys we know. |
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シャーロック・ホームズ Age: 34 |
The world's greatest detective, and a key ally to Ryuunosuke throughout DGS. Personality: Unlike many adaptations of Holmes, DGS' leans on the "eccentric" part of "eccentric genius"; he's dramatic, prone to jumping to conclusions, and seems to follow a logic unlike anyone else. But that doesn't change the fact he has legendarily sharp skills of observation and a strong intuition, as well as the confidence to do as he pleases in order to solve a case. And though he may seem insensitive or unable to read a situation from time to time, he also has a surprising depth of emotional knowledge and cares deeply for his friends. Holmes and the idea of "joint reasoning" had been knocking around in Takumi's brain as far back as the original trilogy; as such, when the Capcom executives asked him to make a "new" AA game, he decided to pull Holmes out of mothballs and give it a shot. To his surprise, the game was accepted, and development began, with Holmes' dramatic movements and rapid-fire reasoning shaping the style of the game. |
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アイリス・ワトソン Age: 10 |
A prodigious young girl, best-selling author of "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", and Holmes' roommate and friend. Personality: Iris is energetic, confident, and clever; in addition to writing as a novelist, she collaborates with Holmes on any number of inventions, and is happy to show them off to anyone interested (and anyone not.) She possesses skills of observation and deduction that rival even Holmes, to boot. But at the end of the day, she's still just a 10-year-old girl; her experience with Holmes' cases is generally secondhand, and she understandably loses her nerve to some degree when facing a murder firsthand. |
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バロック・バンジックス Age: 32 |
A legendary British prosecutor known as the "Death God of the Old Bailey", who has recently returned from a five-year absence. Main prosecutor of DGS. Personality: Barok is largely cool and collected in the courtroom, demonstrating complete control over the trial and able to intimidate and coerce the jury with ease. However, he begins to show anger when pressed into a corner and gradually drops his 'apologies' for his more extravagant behavior as a trial goes on. Despite that, he is still a man devoted to the truth and justice, not simply finding every defendant guilty, and is capable of showing mercy to those who have committed honest mistakes. Character designer Kazuya Nuri designed Barok to be highly evocative of both England and of powerful creatures such as vampires. Unlike some other rivals, Barok has no personalized "shout" - instead, his "Hold it!" and "Objection!" shouts use an entirely different graphical style designed to evoke a sense of "Englishness." Barok shares a motion capture actress, Shuu Shiotsuki, with one of the case five witnesses. Takumi met Shuu during the production of the three Takarazuka Ace Attorney musicals. |
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亜内 武土 Age: 51 |
Proof that the Payne Train stretches back well into the annals of history. Prosecutor of DGS-1. Personality: Like his descendants, Taketsuchi is all bluster and no bite. He's particularly prideful of his work and the Japanese government, and looks down not only on rookies but the young in general, believing they don't understand the finer points of politics. |
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ジョン・H・ワトソン Age: 47 |
A visiting professor from England, and victim of DGS-1. Personality: Largely unknown, but by all accounts a good man. |
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御琴羽 悠仁 Age: 42 |
Susato's father, and a professor at Teito Yuumei University. Appears in DGS-1. Personality: Yuujin is generally serious but not unkind. He's particularly pragmatic and down-to-earth, and well-aware of the power dynamics and politics of Japan. |
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細長 悟 Age: 29 |
Waiter at the restaurant La Quantos, and witness of DGS-1. Personality: Hosonaga is polite and courteous, and strives to do his best as a waiter and person. He views his thoroughness as a particular point of pride, and works tirelessly to improve his work. Still, he can be rattled surprisingly easily from time to time. |
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渦久丸 泰三 Age: 38 |
A soldier who was dining at La Quantos at the time of the crime, and a witness in DGS-1. Personality: Taizou is brash and confident, with no small amount of pride in his job and family. As a result, he tends to get a bit carried away and jump to conclusions, meaning he's not the world's most reliable witness. |
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園日暮 三文 Age: 67 |
A salesman who was enjoying dinner at La Quantos at the time of the crime. Witness of DGS-1. Personality: Sonohigurashi is largely crochety and a bit unpleasant, with an eye for his business above all else. It also doesn't take much to shake him, but when provoked he can show surprising fierceness. |
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ジェゼール・ブレット Age: 24 |
An exchange student studying under Dr. Watson in Japan, and a witness in DGS-1. Personality: Jezail generally acts the part of the gracious English lady, preferring to speak in the "Queen's English" and cooperating with whatever's asked of her. That said, she doesn't make a secret of the fact she considers herself somewhat above the Japanese. We never see her without the mask or without her hat tipped to obscure her eyes. Very mysterious! |
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ミトロフ・ストロガノフ Age: 37 |
One of the head sailors on the steamship Alaclear. Witness of DGS-2. Personality: Mitrov is blunt and easily angered, and takes his job extremely seriously. While he does have a soft spot for those close to him, he tends not to show it. |
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グリムズビー・ロイロット Age: ?? |
A secretive old man traveling aboard the steamship Alaclear. Witness of DGS-2. Personality: Roylott is stubborn and secretive, refusing to talk to anyone unless they're able to drive him into a corner first. Roylott was one of the first characters developed for DGS; he was presented alongside Ryuunosuke and Holmes as part of Takumi's pitch for the game, then in a state no more developed than "a Russian man hiding something from the duo." |
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ニコミナ・ボルシビッチ Age: 15 |
A young ballet dancer who recently fled Russia and is traveling aboard the Alaclear. Witness of DGS-2. Personality: Nikomina is timid and a bit paranoid after her escape from Russia, and as such views most everyone with suspicion, particularly Ryuu. It doesn't take very long talking to her to realize that she's entirely out of her depth. |
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デミトリ・デミグラスキー Age: ?? |
A Russian revolutionary said to have recently fled the country, and a background character in DGS. Personality: Apparently surprisingly down-to-earth for a revolutionary and actually quite accomodating, particularly when the subject involves bullets or rebellions. |
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ハート・ヴォルテックス Age: 52 |
The Chief Justice of London, and the man in charge of assigning Ryuunosuke to cases during his stay there. Personality: Vortex is a naturally intimidating man who seems to command an audience wherever he goes. With an eye for efficiency, he's always keeping track of time (to the point that he makes references to exact periods of time down to the second) and wastes none of it on sentiment. |
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コゼニー・メグンダル Age: 48 |
A well-known London businessman and philanthropist, and defendant of DGS-3. Personality: Megundal is genial and generous, with a proclivity for handing out "tips" and money almost without being asked. But he didn't get to the top of the business world through naivete, and he's by far one of the more cunning, capable defendants in the series. |
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ベッポ Age: 62 |
Driver of the omnibus where DGS-3 took place, and a witness in the ensuing trial. Personality: Beppo's rather focused on getting by day-to-day; he's not particularly strong-willed or sharp, and mostly seems to just want the whole business done with. His carriage is named the "Phoenix Wright Omnibus". Yes, "Phoenix Wright", even in the Japanese version. This is of course never remarked upon by any of the characters in any way, shape, or form. |
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オスカー・フェアプライ Age: 34 |
A British banker who was riding on the top level of the carriage on the night of the crime. Witness in DGS-3. Personality: Stodgy. Fairplay takes offense easily and believes himself to be in the right most of the time. But he does live up to his name and knows when he's beat. |
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アダム・レディファスト Age: 21 |
A young British hatmaker who appears as a witness in DGS-3. Personality: Adam doesn't seem to be the sharpest knife in the shed; he does his best, but he doesn't seem to have much of a stomach for rough goings-on, and he has a tendency to tell stories that start to veer into TMI territory. But when provoked, he gets fired up and ready for fisticuffs pretty quickly. |
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三度焼きのモルター Age: 54 |
A poor bricklayer, and victim of DGS-3. Personality: Unknown, but said to be dedicated to his work. |
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ジーナ・レストレード Age: 17 |
A teenaged pickpocket who Ryuunosuke runs into around London. Witness of DGS-3. Personality: Gina is headstrong and cocky, putting her faith into her fingers and street smarts. Underneath the surface, though, she has trouble trusting anyone despite caring for the other orphans of London's east end, and holds a deep-seated dislike of adults. |
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トビアス・グレグソン Age: 44 |
A veteran detective of Scotland Yard, and DGS' answer to Gumshoe, Ema, and Fulbright. Personality: Gregson is for the most part a no-nonsense copper who takes pride in Scotland Yard's acheivements and doesn't stand for lawbreakers. While he doesn't view Ryuunosuke and co. coldly, he also doesn't go out of his way to help them without good reason. The only exception to this is when Iris is involved, since her stories have made him something of a local celebrity; he's happy to do whatever she wants, as long as it doesn't involve him literally breaking the rules of his job. Tea parties are fair game, however. Gregson is a fiend for fish and chips, and is eating them almost constantly. |
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夏目 漱石 Age: 33 |
A Japanese exchange student studying English literature in London. Defendant of DGS-4. Personality: Souseki is jumpy and overdramatic as a result of his travels; he isn't able to make English friends well, and prefers to stay cooped up in his room or scour old bookshops to pass the time. Quite a bit of his bluster seems to be a front for his loneliness in London and his recognition that he's not really that important in the grand scheme of things. |
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ワガハイ Age: Pretty young |
Souseki's beloved cat. Personality: Friendly and cat-like. |
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ジョン・ガリデブ Age: 46 |
Souseki's landlord, and witness of DGS-4. Personality: Garrideb is a former soldier, and still carries himself quite properly as a result. His house may not be much to look at, but he's quite proud of what he does have. |
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ジョーン Age: 38 |
John's live-in maid, and juror of DGS-4. Personality: Joan is a perfectly prim maid on the surface, but when provoked she shows remarkable fierceness and anger. Like many Londoners, she seems to be a bit wary of the Japanese. |