[Voice Clips]
Effects] [Midis] |
Soundtracks |
Released March 31st, 2004. You can special order this disc from VGM World or other import music sites. |
Track List (GS1)
1. Gyakuten Saiban - Prologue |
14. Ayasato Mayoi ~ Gyakuten Sisters' Theme 2001 15. Detention Center ~ Jailer's Elegy 16. Itonokogiri Keisuke ~ Detective Itonoko, Pal 17. Reminiscence ~ Heartbroken Mayoi 18. Hoshikage Soranosuke ~ Age, Regret, Retribution 19. Congratulations, Everyone 20. Reminiscence ~ Light and Shadow of the Film Studio 21. Warrior of Great Edo, Tonosaman 22. Reminiscence ~ Case DL-6 23. Investigation ~ Core 2001 24. Reminiscence ~ School Trial 25. Won the Case! ~First Victory 26. Gyakuten Saiban - End 27. Gyakuten Sisters' Ballad |
Track List (GS2)
1. Gyakuten Saiban 2 -
Prologue* |
18. Village of Kurain 19. Reminiscence ~ Scars Carved by Fire 20. Eccentric 21. Gorgeous! 22. Tachimi Circus 23. Congratulations Again, Everyone. 24. Reminiscence ~ True Pain 25. Koroshiya Sazaemon ~ The Whim of a Murderous Gentleman 26. Ayasato Harumi ~ With Hami-chan 27. Investigation ~ Middle 2002 28. Great Revival ~ Mitsurugi Reiji 29. Hotline to Destiny 30. Investigation ~ Core 2002 31. Reminiscence ~ Tonosaman Ballad 32. Great Revival ~ Karuma Mei 33. Won the Case! ~Another Victory 34. Gyakuten Saiban 2 - End 35. Prosecutor's Murmur ~ Until We Meet Again |
*Taken from J.S. Bach's "Tocatta and Fugue" BWV565. | ||||||
Released March 31st, 2004 You can special order this disc from VGM World or other import music sites. |
Track List 1.
Gyakuten Saiban 3 - Prologue |
Hoshiidake Aiga ~ I Just Want Love 19. Yahari Masashi ~ When Something Smells, it's Always Me 20. "Turnabout Recipe" 21. Trés Bien 22. Igarashi Shouhei ~ A Painful Declaration and War Song 23. Shibakuzou Toranosuke ~ Swinging Zenitora 24. Reminiscence ~ I Blame You 25. "Beginning Turnabout." 26. Reminiscence ~ Shadow on Oboro Bridge 27. Hazakurain 28. Tenryuusai Elise ~ Gentle Melody 29. Investigation ~ Middle 2004 30. Reminiscence ~ The Bitter Taste of Truth 31. Reminiscence ~ Cornered 2004 32. Won the Case! Unending Victory. 33. Gyakuten Saiban 3 - End 34. Ringtone / Godot |
Track List (Bonus Disc) 1.
Sound Effects - System |
Sound Effects - Mechanical 7. Ayasato Mayoi ~ Gyakuten Sisters' Theme / Arrangement 8. Lock on the Heart (Psycho Lock) / Arrangement 9. Gyakuten Saiban 2003 Promotional Video Soundtrack 10. Gyakuten Saiban 3 Special Blend Mix |
Released November 30th, 2005 You can special order this disc from VGM World or other import music sites. |
Track List 1.
Gyakuten Saiban - Prologue |
18. Hoshikage Soranosuke ~ Age, Regret, Retribution 19. Congratulations, Everyone 20. Reminiscence ~ Light and Shadow of the Film Studio 21. Warrior of Great Edo, Tonosaman 22. Reminiscence ~ Case DL-6 23. Investigation ~ Core 2001 24. Reminiscence ~ School Trial 25. Won the Case! ~First Victory 26. Gyakuten Saiban - End 27. Gyakuten Sisters' Ballad 28. Yomigaeru Gyakuten - Prologue 29. Reminiscence ~ Case SL-9 30. Houdzuki Akane ~ Gyakuten Sisters' Theme 2005 31. Taiho-kun ~ I Want to Protect 32. Zaimon Kyousuke ~ A Detective Without a Desert 33. Ganto Kaiji ~ Swimming, Anyone? 34. Yomigaeru Gyakuten - End |
Ace Attorney: Justice For All
Soundtrack There isn't yet an official soundtrack released for the GS2 remake to the DS, but you can download a rip of the game music from the Final Turnabout link provided at the top of the page. The track list is the same as it was for GS2. |
Ace Attorney: Trials And
Tribulations Soundtrack There isn't an official soundtrack release for the GS3 remake to the DS, but you can download some rips of the music from this thread on the CR forum. |
Released June 27th, 2007 |
Track List 1. Gyakuten Saiban 4 ~
Prologue |
18. Turnabout Street Corners 19. Eccentric 2007 20. Kitakitsune Family 21. Ringtone / LOVE LOVE GUILTY 22. Reminiscence ~ Damaged Foxes 23. Serenade of a Guitar in Love 24. Arumajiki Family 25. Reminiscence ~ Fate Covered in Tricks and Devices 26. Lamiroir ~ Sight-Seeing Music 27. "Turnabout Inheritor" 28. Psycho Lock 2007 29. Doburoku Studio 30. Solitary Confinement ~ Theme of Darkness 31. Investigation ~ Core 2007 32. Reminiscence ~ The Forgotten Legend 33. Won the Case! ~Our victory 34. Gyakuten Saiban 4 ~ End |
To be released September 30th, 2006. |
List 1. Naruhodou
Ryuuichi - Objection! |
![]() Released at the Tokyo Game Show 2006 (Sept 22nd). Contains the same 12 tracks from the Tanomi Version (only the cover is different) Available at VGM World ¥3,560. |
Track List 1. Naruhodou
Ryuuichi - Objection! |
Released March 31, 2007. Contains 10 tracks arranged by Noriyuki Iwadare. Will be available from Tanomi for ¥3,560. 1. Gyakuten Saiban ~ Court Begins Blue note
scale |
![]() Released July 16, 2008. Contains 12 tracks arranged by Noriyuki Iwadare.
01. Housuke Odoroki ~ A New Trial is in Session! 4:03 |
![]() Gyakuten Special Concert Fall '08 No track list atm |
To be released June 24th, 2009 |
01. Gyakuten Kenji - Prologue 02. Investigation ~ Opening 2009 03. Investigation ~ Middle 2009 04. Investigation ~ Contradiction At the Crime Scene 05. Logic ~ The Way to the Truth 06. Investigation ~ Core 2009 07. Confrontation ~ Moderate 2009 08. Trick and Gimmick 09. Miles Edgeworth ~ Objection! 2009 10. Confrontation ~ Allegro 2009 11. Confess the Truth 2009 12. Trick and Baroque 13. Confrontation ~ Presto 2009 14. Pursuit ~ Wanting to Get The Truth 15. Jingle ~ Slight Break 16. Kay Faraday ~ The Thief Who Steals Truth 17. Shiryu Rou ~ As The Roushi Say! 18. Yatagarasu ~ The Noble Thief Who Dances Through The Night 19. Turnabout Airline 20. Zinc White ~ Time is Money 21. Wakana Shiraoto ~ Good Night 22. Doubted People |
01. Kidnapped Turnabout ~ Overture to Kidnapping 02. Blue Badger march ~ Bando Land Theme 03. Kidnapped Turnabout ~ The Tragedy of the Horror House 04. Noisy People 05. Interesting People 06. Reminiscence ~ False Relations 07. Reproducing the scene ~ A Noble Thief's Secret Weapon 08. The Court ~ Guardians of the Law 09. Departed Turnabout 10. Ittetsu Badou ~ The Truth is Severe 11. Himiko Kazura ~ Let me Laugh Coolly 12. Reminiscence ~ KG-8 Case 13. Crises of Fate 14. Dick Gumshoe ~ I can do it when it counts, pal! 15. Turnabout, Up In Flames 16. Two Embassies ~ The Countries of the Butterfly and the Flower 17. Reminiscence ~ Separated Countries 18. Carnage Onred ~ The Enemy Who Surpasses the Law 19. Solution! ~ Splendid Deduction 20. Great Revival ~ Miles Edgeworth 2009 21. Prosecutor's Murmur ~ Promise to Meet Again |
To be released ?? |
Phoenix Wright |
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
이의있음 |
Miles Edgeworth | ||||||
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Winston Payne | ||||||
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Manfred von Karma | ||||||
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Franziska von Karma | ||||||
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Mia Fey | ||||||
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Godot | ||||||
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Apollo Justice | ||||||
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish | Korean |
Kristoph Gavin | ||||||
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish | Korean |
Klavier Gavin | ||||||
Japanese | English | French | German | Italian | Spanish | Korean |
Jacques Portsman | ||||||
Japanese |
English Objection! |
Shi-Long Lang | ||||||
Japanese |
English Not So Fast! |
Calisto Yew | ||||||
Japanese |
English Objection! |
Quercus Alba | ||||||
Japanese Igiari! |
English Objection! |
Hakari Mikagami | ||||||
Japanese Kyakka! |
Yumihiko Ichiyanagi | ||||||
Japanese Igiari! |
Tateyuki Shigaraki | ||||||
Japanese Igiari! |
Manosuke Naitou | ||||||
Japanese Igiari! |
Gregory Edgeworth | ||||||
Japanese Igiari! Matta! Kurae! Kore da! |
Bansai Ichiyanagi | ||||||
Japanese Igiari! |
Souta Sarushiro | ||||||
Japanese Igiari! |
Hershel Layton | ||||||
English Objection! Hold it! |
Zacharias Barnham | ||||||
English Objection! |
Darklaw | ||||||
English Objection! |
Athena Cykes | ||||||
English Objection! Hold it! Take that! |
Gaspen Payne | ||||||
English Objection! |
Simon Blackquill | ||||||
English Objection! |
Sound Effects (ripped from DS roms) |
General SFX | PW:AA Specific | JFA Specific | T&T Specific | AJ Specific | AAI Specific | |
Midis |
Maya's Theme | Steel Samurai Ringtone | Detention Center (T&T) | Godot Ringtone | Godot's Theme | ||
If you have any mp3s / sound clips to add, please email me at courtrecord @ gmail.com Information on the Soundtracks was taken from RPGfan, tanomi, and the lately released Official Gyakuten Saiban fanbook. |